Hi folks,

I’m back with a new skin routine! I have tried to stop using any potentially irritating products and given up on  harsh acne-treating products, and I must say that after using these products for 3 months I see a real difference. I haven’t had any major breakouts, except 2 hormonal zits on my neck (?) the first month right before my period, but now my skin feels balanced and ready to heal. If you have sensitive acne-prone mixed skin like I have, this could be for you!




If I need to shower, I clean my face while showering with the So’ Bio etic Clarifying mousse which I actually bought in a supermarket and I was amazed! It really clarifies the skin and gives you a radiant look!


If I don’t need to take a shower, I opt for a gentle clean with some Bioderma créaline H20 micellar water and/or some witch hazel water.


Now when it comes to my every-day moisturiser, I have a new favourite:


the Clear it up oil-free moisturiser by Lumene

These past couple of months, I have been very disappointed by many high-end products, so I’ve decided to stop thinking that expensive means good, and simply base my decisions on the ingredients in the products. This moisturiser is cheap while really keeping my skin in control while not drying out my face at all. It’s not an acne-treating moisturiser, but it’s oil free and contains a short list of good ingredients and very little fragrance, which my sensitive skin always appreciates. It’s hard to find in stores but you can find it on internet.


If I’m wearing a lot of makeup, I use coconut oil and massage it into the skin. Then I start taking it off with a little warm water and finally use a cotton pad to take the rest off.61hb3sobt1L._SL1000_.jpg

Then I use La Roche Posay’s Toleriane Dermo-Cleanser to wash away any makeup residues.


As the water is rather harsh in Paris (where I live) I try to always spray some chamomile or witch hazel water on my face after washing it with water.

Once my face is squeaky clean, I proceed with my favourite part of my skin routine: the Aromessence Neroli Night Balm by Decléor




Where do I start… it’s simply the best thing that has ever happened to my skin. My mother has used it for years, but I’ve avoided her advice of trying it because I thought we did not have the same skin problems and there was no way it would work on my sensitive acne-prone skin. Boy was I wrong. Its composition is simply marvellous: the basil oil in the balm purifies my skin while the neroli hydrates and calms my skin. I wake up with beautifully hydrated, balanced and plumped skin. Even though it contains a lot of different essential oils it does not make my skin break out at all. I think this night balm + the oil-free moisturiser from Lumene is a really good combo for my whimsical skin.




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